class: center, middle # Practices --- # Inhalt 1. Einleitung 2. Continuous Integration 3. Continuous Delivery 4. Continuous Deployment 5. Plattformen & Tools für CI/CD 6. Deployment strategies 7. DevOps 8. DevSecOps 9. SRE --- # Einleitung - Prozess von der Idee bis zum Betrieb --- # Continuous Integration - Was ist Continuous Integration - Vorteile - Build monitoring - Kleinere Code-Merges --- # Continuous Integration Workflow .image[![sketch](./img/grafik-continuous-integration-gesamtbild-en-1920p.jpg)] --- # Continuous Integration - Build Monitor .image[![buildmonitor](./img/3_Two_columns_view_with_claim_and_build_failure_analyzer_plugins.png)] --- # Continuous Delivery - Erweitert Continuous Integration - Release zu jeder Zeit ermöglichen - Schnellere Entwicklungszyklen .image[![sketch](./img/what-is-continuous-delivery.jpg)] --- # Continuous Deployment - Erweitert Continuous Delivery - Führt ein automatisiertes Deployment durch - Containerization stellt das Verhalten des Builds sicher - Vorteilhaft bei Microservices in einer automatisch gemanagten Umgebung - Hohe Einstiegshürde --- # Continuous Deployment - Zyklus .image[![ContinuousDeployment](./img/cd-diagram@2x.png)] --- # Plattformen & Tools für CI/CD - Für jeden ist etwas dabei - Jenkins - GitHub Actions - CircleCI - LiveDemo zu GitHub Actions & CircleCI --- # Jenkins - Automatisierungs Server - Hoch flexibel - Konfiguration - Server - Repository - Viele Plugins --- # Jenkins UI .image[![sketch](./img/Jenkins_Home.png)] --- # Jenkins - Pipeline #1 ```groovy #!/usr/bin/env groovy pipeline { agent any tools { maven 'Maven-3.6.0' } stages { stage('Clone') { steps{ checkout scm } } stage('Build') { steps { sh 'mvn -B -DskipTests clean package' } } ``` --- # Jenkins - Pipeline #2 ```groovy stage('Test') { steps { sh 'mvn test' } post { always { junit 'target/surefire-reports/*.xml' } } } stage('Deliver') { when { branch 'master' } steps { sh 'mvn deploy' } } } } ``` --- # GitHub Actions - In GitHub intigriert - Im kleinen Umfang kostenlos - GitHub Package Storage enthalten --- # GitHub Actions - Pipeline #1 ```yaml name: Docker Image CI on: push: branches: [ master ] release: types: [published] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest ``` --- # GitHub Actions - Pipeline #2 ```yaml steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Login to DockerHub Registry run: echo ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} --password-stdin - name: Build the tagged Docker image run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag dasbene/continuousx:$GITHUB_SHA - name: Push the tagged Docker image run: docker push dasbene/continuousx:$GITHUB_SHA - name: Build the latest Docker image run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag dasbene/continuousx:latest - name: Push the latest Docker image run: docker push dasbene/continuousx:latest ``` --- # CircleCI - Einfach zu bedienen - Gute GitHub Integration .image[![sketch](./img/kamann_continuous-delivery_7.png)] --- # CircleCI - Pipeline ```yaml version: 2.1 orbs: node: circleci/node@1.1.6 jobs: build-and-test: executor: name: node/default steps: - checkout - node/with-cache: steps: - run: npm install - run: npm test workflows: build-and-test: jobs: - build-and-test ``` --- # Sonstige Plattformen - [TravisCI]( - AWS Code Build & CodePipeline - Google Cloud Build - Azure Pipelines - GitLab - Docker Hub --- class: center, middle # Live Demo --- # Deployment strategies - Wie wird der release Build zum laufen gebracht? - *Continuous Delivery Patterns* - Strategien - Recreate - Blue / Green - Shadow - Canary - Ramped / Rolling - A/B testing --- # Recreate .image[![Recreate](./img/recreate.svg)] --- # Blue / Green .image[![Recreate](./img/blue_green.svg)] --- # Canary .image[![Recreate](./img/canary.svg)] --- # Ramped / Rolling .image[![Recreate](./img/rolling.svg)] --- # Shadow .image[![Recreate](./img/shadow.svg)] --- # A/B testing .image[![Recreate](./img/abtesting.svg)] --- # Weitere deployment strategies - Feature Flags - Dark Launching --- # DevOps ### Wesentlche Kenngrößen von Development: - neue Features - behobende Fehler ### Wesentlche Kenngrößen von IT-Operations: - Verfügbarkeit - Stabilität ### Widerspruch? --- # DevOps als Kultur - Tauziehen zwischen Dev und Ops auflösen - Pipeline von der Idee bis zum Auswerten der Operations Erfahrungen - Multidisziplinäre Teams - Workflow .image[![DevOpsPipeline](./img/devops_pipeline.svg)] --- # DevOps - Zyklus .image[![DevOpsPipeline](./img/polarion-devops_tcm53-26359.png)] --- # DevOps - Ziele - Schnellere Auslieferung von neuen Funktionen - Schnellere Auslieferung von Änderungen - Höhere Qualität der Auslieferungen - Schnellere Reaktionszeit Fehler zu beheben --- # DevOps - Unterstützende Technologien - Continuous Deployment - Containerisierung - Microservices - Cloud native computing --- # DevSecOps - Variante von *DevOps* - Fokus auf Sicherheit - Transparenz des Workflow --- # DevSecOps - Anforderungen Zusätzliche Workflow Anforderungen: - Test-driven development - Pair Programming - Linting - Vulnerability scanning - Cloud nativ deployment --- # DevSecOps - Vorteile - Sicherere Software - Audit der Software - Compliance - Gesundheitswesen - Finanzwesen - Öffentliche Aufträge --- # SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) - Von Google entwickelt - seit 2003 - Teams 50/50 - Software Development - System Administration
> SRE is "what happens when a software engineer is tasked with what used to be called operations." > > --
Ben Treynor
--- # SRE - Unterschiede zu DevOps - *Implementierung von DevOps* --- # SRE - Säulen - *Reduce organizational silos* - *Accept failure as normal* - *Implement gradual changes* - *Leverage tooling and automation* - *Measure everything* --- class: center, middle # Fragen? --- # Quellen - CI/CD - - - - - Jenkins - - - CircleCI - --- # Quellen - Deployment strategies - - - - - - - - Dev[Sec]Ops - - - - SRE - - -